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Information, Renovations / April 17, 2024

Tired of spending all your home working hours plonked in front of the kitchen table? We look at what’s involved in creating an inspiring, practical and enjoyable office space to work from home   Over the past year, millions of us have been forced to work from home (WFH) –…

Information, Sustainability / December 12, 2023

Discover the mechanisms behind air source heat pumps, including their benefits and potential drawbacks upon installation. An air source heat pump serves as a revolutionary method to heat your home. It allows you to produce your own sustainable heat and may potentially reduce your energy costs over time. These pumps…

Information, Renovations, Technology / October 1, 2023

How to find the perfect architect for your project. The title ‘architect’ is protected under Section 20 of the Architects Act 1997. What this means is that the title can only be used by someone that has completed the training – a minimum of 7 years in all areas of…

Maintenance, Information / September 28, 2023

Over the next couple of years, a major transformation is coming in the realm of energy efficiency assessment for housing in the UK. The existing Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) is poised for an extensive revamp with the advent of SAP 11. Previously, when the SAP was last modified, the carbon…

Information, Renovations / August 1, 2023

Planners rejected our pre-application. What should we do next? Has this happened to you, have you had planning rejected? “We have a bungalow that we wish to replace with a contemporary L-shaped house, where one side will be single storey and the other double. We made a planning pre-application, which…

Information / August 1, 2023

When you need approval You must check if you need approval before you construct or change buildings in certain ways. You do not need to get approval yourself if you use someone registered with a competent person scheme. Find out about the rules in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Building regulations approval is different from planning…

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