Earth Friendly Materials

Earth Friendly Materials

Earth Friendly Materials

We love kitchens that use materials that have as little impact on our planet as possible, although there are varying levels of how earth friendly each material may be. 

How eco friendly a wood is depends on the materials used and the process involved to create/obtain the product, we look at 3 below:

Birch Ply

Fast growing trees

Birch is a fast growing species and are an abundant in the forests of the northern hemisphere being widespread across Canada, Russia and most of Northern Europe, in particular Finland. They support a myriad of varied wildlife, and where managed as a sustainable forest resource, do not impinge on the natural biodiversity


Fast growing trees

Poplar is a very fast growing species. This makes is an ideal choice for the sustainable ‘farming’ of timber. Once the trees are cut a new crop is sown ready for harvesting in only a few years. By using fast-grown timbers from sustainable sources you are helping to avoid the destruction of forests around the globe and the animals which reside in them

Carbon store

Like all timbers, tulipwood is a carbon store. Calculations have shown that, at the point at which the tulipwood reached a factory – after felling, sawing, drying and transport – it was still storing far more CO2 than had been generated through its processing and transport.

Tulipwood is quite a fast growing tree which means it is a great earth friendly material.


Locally grown dark wood

Walnuts are the only trees that can be grown in Britain which produce naturally a dark hardwood timber, making them a sustainable alternative to many tropical timbers.


Walnut has a lightweight feel when handled or compared to other hardwood giving it some very earth friendly properties.

Locally sourced, lightweight timber

Solid Wood Veneered Ply

High quality finish with low carbon footprint

Timber veneers are appreciated for their beauty but it’s often overlooked that specifying veneers is one of the most sustainable ways to use wood products. Decorative veneers for high quality appearance uses are sliced, while veneers for plywood production are generally rotary peeled. In both cases, one log goes a long way.

Lightweight sheets

Same as for birch ply these sheets are the same just with a thin layer of solid wood which mean easier and sustainable transportation that can dramatically reduce the carbon footprint of a job.

Same as the birch ply but with a thin layer of solid wood covering the surface, the same earth friendly values as the birch ply, just with a layer of wood extra.


Harvested the right way

Oak forests have to be managed carefully to make them sustainable, grown and harvested in the right way these tree can be as sustainable as any other species.

We also use Douglas Fir so if you would like to know more, why not speak to Kris or the team at Dependon who love to talk about materials for your Kitchen project.
