• Planning, Listed Building Approval and discharge of conditions. Your architect should be able to undertake these operations foryou, however it can be a slow process and requires patience. Other similar consent issues relate to Tree Protection Orders, HighwaysAgency approval, English Heritage, Natural England, Environment Agency etc.
• Bat mitigation works are a common problem and a significant number of Councils will insist on a bat survey prior to work beingundertaken. Should bat mitigation works be required, a license will be needed and works undertaken at specific times of the year. Donot underestimate the legislation covering bats and other wildlife, they can stop a job proceeding until conditions are met.
• Statutory Authorities. Should new incoming supplies be required, start this process as early as possible. Some networkinfrastructure providers can take months, and on complex infrastructure requirements it is not uncommon for electricalinfrastructure to take in excess of 12 months to obtain, Wayleave agreements can become very complex and onerous.
• Licenses for treatment plant discharge, Environmental Agency consents.
• Asbestos. Any project where demolition is required must have a full asbestos survey. This must be undertaken prior to theconstruction phase so that the contractor can be made aware of the asbestos risks.